En la puerta Oeste de acceso al Templo reza un cartel asi:
"Esta piedras fueron puestas para el silencio,
este espacio es para la reflexion,
este lugar es para la oracion.
No solo abra los ojos como un turista,
o todos los sentidos como un peregrino,
abre el corazon como hombre o mujer que busca.
Entra con cuidado y respeto,
entre estes piedras estan recogidos muchos siglos,
muchos silencios,
muchas oraciones."
I am making arrangements to walk the camino de Santiago de Compostela again. Hopefully we will leave on 24th August, intending to start from St. Jean Pied la Port. I am excited already. The camino offers so many opportunities, to be inspired, to think, to be still, to pray, to wonder, to have adventures, to laugh, to be a pilgrim. Every journey is a new journey, a new experience that cannot be predicted. In my enthusiasm for the trip I have been looking around the various websites and I found this photo and poem. The spanish text above roughly translates:
The Hermitage of Our Lady of Eunate, where the pilgrim becomes just a man or a woman...At the west door over the Church there is a prayer card that reads:
"These stones were put here for the silence,
this space is for reflection,
this place is for prayer.
Do not open your eyes as only a tourist,
or your senses like a pilgrim,
open your heart like a man or a woman who searches.
Enter with care and respect,
enter these stones that are recalling many centuries,
many silences,
many prayers."