'A fool you are,' she said,
'weaving dreams of blue
deceiving sky. Evening folds them all,
and what are you?
Squanderers of centuries and hours
Hold only faded flowers.'
'And why should I,' I answered,
'Walk among the dead?
And you are dead a million years,
The wolves are fed.
A fool who eats the leavings of the Wise,
Who tells me that he dies?'
I read this poem and it reminded me of two things. Firstly, I thought about the Gospel of a few weeks ago - the Canaanite woman who pesters Jesus until he relents to heal her daughter. She is a lady from the 'other side' of society, outcast because of her race and her personal life, but she has within her the faith and courage to ask for everything. I like her.
The second thing that came to mind was starting in Oxford. Who am I? I never thought I would make it this far. What on earth is a Catholic woman doing starting on the path of academic scholarship in Theology? It beggars belief. Yet, this is my path and I will not turn from it. I am determined. Who knows what will become of this adventure?
'Lord,' she said, 'Help me.'He replied: 'It is not fair to take the children's food and throw it to the little dogs.' She retorted, 'Ah Yes Lord; but even little dogs eat the scraps that fall from the masters' table.'Matthew 15: 26 - 28
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